Montgomery school Nairobi
In order to provide compassion to others, we must understand what it is. The word means “to suffer with” and is an emotional response of sympathy. But, it’s not just a feeling. The feeling is combined with an overwhelming desire to help! Because we have compassion, we want to take action and help the person who is suffering.
Compassion is professional. We do our work with excellence but without pretension.
Our faith in God and in His promises empowers us to be confident. In the face of evil raging around us, we remain hopeful and lift one another's spirits as we go about our mission of releasing children from poverty in Jesus' name. God has enabled has to put 8 children in the program and his grace as been sufficient. The program so far caters for uniforms, shoes, a meal and a snack, text books, tuition fee, school supplies and once in a while cloths or food to take home.
We welcome you to join us, in whatever way you can, to help more people find their path out of poverty. If you would like more detailed information about the program, feel free to contact one of the team on,