The first transition from home to school doesn’t have to be chaotic. Montgomery is committed to making our nurseries cozy and warm so the move is essentially seamless. During this time period, your baby needs a specific form of attention to aid in setting up a solid emotional, social, and cognitive base moving forward. Our infant program is supplemented with enjoyable, intentional learning exercises that stimulate growing awareness. Toddlers learn best in a safe, pleasantly warm atmosphere, a homely environment, an engaging & socially vibrant place, a place that nurtures a child’s curiosity & natural instinct to explore in their own way are some of the things that describe our Play-group classroom. The activities for this age group are built around toddlers’ limitless curiosity and their natural desire to push boundaries. We emphasis –on developing creativity, innovation, problem solving, good citizenship and nurturing talents, The child learns to play on the ‘big equipment’, experiment with water, paint, crayons and to enjoy ‘messy play’. It also eases the transition from home to school. They also learn to be part of a group, interact positively and sympathetically with others, share toys and games, listen to stories and instructions. They discover more about their world and themselves through creative play all in a warm, happy atmosphere.